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by Condemner @, India, Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 23:33 (5527 days ago) @ RP_dealer

There are many ways to come to a conclusion whether "Seller" has an item or not.. it is therefore, "Buyer" and "Seller" mutually has to exchange info relating to the item (not just on Phone-calls, both of them has to communicate by mails, has to exchange "Snap Shots" of the stuff, "Videos" if available. In such case, you need not travel wasting your money just to see the stuff. Why your people not ready to exchange this kind of info via mails? Why everybody just wants to leave their mobile numbers and wait for other's call(of course! they never get call back as I told you that everybody just trying to execute and nothing else - so saving a penny for phone-call also important to them). In this case, all Mediatory chain would be shorten and when "Buyer" satisfy with basic exchange of info, they've to prove their "Buying capacity" before they visit "Seller" in real to make trust of even "Seller". Without these two, just don't waste your valuable time, affords and money for "Nothing" and don't try to blame others "End of the Day".

- Condemner

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