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you fools who told you that a rp metal does exists (RP)

by rathi @, india, Friday, July 30, 2010, 01:41 (5354 days ago) @ RP SHARMA

dear reader ,i have wasted almost five years of my life in finding this bull sht,which is so called rp n every non existing items, hey people for god sake wake up n don't waste your hard earned money in finding this non existing thing . its a false business , if you think it does exists then try everyone on the net who claims of possessing rp in hand ,you will find almost 10,000 people cliams of having rp and are in need of buyers and at the same you will find 10,000 fake buyers who claims they are genuine buyers,but why dont they do business through net , think about it .. now you very well understand whats the reality behind all this , so you better stop dreaming for cr's 'pet language in rp dream dealings' be rational in life , be realistic and stop dreaming about the impossible in life , find happiness in life for you family n children not rp ,and happiness comes with sweat of hard workings ,okk tell me, have you ever met any billionaire or millionaire who claims to have earned even a single penny by selling any kind of such items like rp ,no noone is there... dealing of such items are fake business ,

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