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by Rajkumar johnson, Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 10:29 (5287 days ago) @ kirubagaran daniel

I really adore your patience with these desperate fools, who it seems are clearly poorly educated as well. I understand you have lost a brother and would like to ensure others don't fall into the same pit. But you forget the simple truth - there will be fools and ill-informed losers. Why do you think India and China are the only places really where these scams evolve - plenty of chimps to bite the bait.

The Britishers did not create coins, they made bars to mark boundaries. Iridium is available all over the world legally and is used in spark plugs, aviation parts etc. owing to it's high melting point and non-corrosive nature. A human with least common sense would understand there is no way he can discretely sell one coin of this material for thousands of crores, when you can legally buy it for a fraction of the money! LOL

These guys are <-- text removed by Admin -->. Its the smarter guys who come up with someone uncommon, and fleece people with magical stories like two-headed snakes, some jewels the snake is hiding, snakes becoming humans! Conjoined twins are pretty common around the world, why is it such a big deal with a snake then? But I have learnt one thing - if you understand a particular subject well and can manipulate its properties, there is a big market in India for fools waiting to part with their money. I will come up with the sale of a pig. <-- text removed by Admin --> I will sell this pig for only 1 Cr. Based on demand, I can provide more. ROFL. Cheers to this illiterate fraction of India!!!

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