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by kirubagaran @, Monday, September 07, 2009, 11:38 (5681 days ago) @ BRAHMANAND

Thanks Mr Brahmanand

I appreciate your honesty I dont understand How such a honest man was caught into an illegal activity. When you admit that 95% of the deal is fake and fraud what is wrong in my approach to alert these ignorant losers. My brother was after this 10 years and not a single deal he could materialize. Now he is dead. Suppose he finished his deal and has money in some unknown destination what is the use of that money. I know people who spent so much money and lost their wealth chasing after this illegal trade.

RP is an alloy of Copper and Iridium. Again I say these two metals can never become one to be a RP metal. Because Iridium belongs to Platinum family.

Gold and Copper become an alloy Lead and copper become an alloy

Nagamani cannot exist, some precious stones taken from the pits may be called as nagamanis but they can never come from a snake. if you read texts from the selling websites they claim about Patala Logam seven underworlds and many more In this scientific world when we know that Earth is a globe there can never exist an underworld. These were stories told by certain group of people to enjoy spiritual speciality among people. If kings used them to gain victory where are those kings now if rich people owned such stones where are they now all are dead and burried or burnt and gone

when you know your life is limited and death is imminent why are you after such illegal illogical activities. let other men live happily with what they have why put a greedy mind in them ? even if they earn so many millions over night will any one allow to burry all the money with them when they are dead ?

Pl Mr Brahmanand reality is very different. I have not earned so much money. but I have spent in lakhs for the benefit of others I live a life of contentment knowing full well that I cannot take a single piece of wealth with me when I die. I am not the only person in this world I am happy because I live with so many good people around me and Mr Brahmanand is one among them and I am really happy for that. Suppose if you are the single soul in this world what is use of RP and Nagamani. We live as community and fraternity there should never be anything which disturbs this.


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