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by kirubagaran Daniel @, Sunday, September 13, 2009, 09:07 (5616 days ago) @ m.r.martin durai

Mr Martin

Accepting your argument how many tonnes can you supply to produce electricity. When tonnes of Uranium is not costing the amount you people are quoting for RP Iridium.

Researches are based on concrete proofs and validations not assumptions. Researches are going on in all fields.

But a copper vessel pulling rice cannot be accepted as any standard scientific proof for radiation.

I have not come under any project which is making a research on RP materials. Your forum people are accepting that the purpose is illegal unable to tell the real purpose

The Isotope IR 192 life time is only 72 hours.

RP may be a phenomenon like a rainbow appearing in the sky. Can you make colours from taking the Rainbow colours.

How the metal only pulls bland rice If it has true powers it should pull Ragi Jowar and other grains How come it is not pulling all other Dhals. North India RP should pull Wheat.

India is full of unbelievable and unrealistic stories - RP, Nagamani and Gajamuthu are extensions to those kind of stories.

One fellow has quoted 850 Crores for an xray glass which can be used to see through the clothes, What is the use for such a glass? if at all one exists like that. (to see women naked? then all women are alike if one buys such a glass he can see his own girl child naked, does 850 crores worth it)

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