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DD to RTGs ( NEED PVT LTD COMPANY with Surplus fund ) (ADV - Financial)

by bhartisaurabh416, Thursday, August 31, 2023, 13:50 (515 days ago) @ tirupati

Mismatch and Penalty: If there's a situation where money is sent to the wrong account on the second day of the transaction, the company wants you to know that they have taken careful steps to prevent this from happening. But they understand that mistakes can still occur. If such a mismatch occurs because of legal rules from a long time ago (Companies Act of 1956 and an updated version in 2013), the company takes responsibility for any penalties that might result. They are committed to being transparent about this.

Sister Concern and Donor Company: Sometimes, a related company (sister concern) is connected to the company sending the money (donor company). Even though they might have some differences, they're still closely linked. This is done to make sure things are familiar while staying within the law.

DD Issuing Company and Fund-Receiving Company: The company makes a distinction between the company sending the instruction to transfer money (DD issuing company) and the company receiving the money (fund-receiving company). This is to prevent any potential problems and to keep the transaction fair. By keeping these two roles separate, they ensure that the transfer happens without any bias or influence that could cause problems.

Fairness and Impartiality: The company is really careful about doing things the right way. They want you to know that they are following the rules and ethical guidelines. They've thought about everything to make sure things are fair and unbiased.

Clarification: If you're still confused or have more questions about any of this, they're there to help. They want you to be fully informed so you can make the right decisions.

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