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DD to RTGs ( NEED PVT LTD COMPANY with Surplus fund ) (ADV - Financial)

by bhartisaurabh416, Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 17:08 (518 days ago) @ tirupati

I understand your concerns, and I'd like to address them to clarify the situation.

Verification and Trust: Our primary objective is to ensure smooth operations and execution of tasks. When making a payment to the donor company, we are not acting as agents but rather making arrangements on behalf of the receiver. The verification of credentials is of utmost importance to us as well. If we opt for RTGS payments, it signifies a level of trust. However, we are open to alternative methods like using Demand Drafts (DDs) or even allowing the client to make the booking directly.

DD Assurance: The assurance we request with the DD is a precautionary measure to safeguard our investment in case of unforeseen circumstances. This assurance doesn't indicate a lack of trust. In fact, if any issues arise, we are committed to returning the DD to the receiver promptly.

Fraud Concerns: We want to assure you that our intentions are genuine and transparent. The process of making payments or requesting DD assurance is simply a standard practice to ensure both parties' interests are protected. We are not seeking any advance payments or RTGS bookings. Our objective is to facilitate the process and create a mutually beneficial arrangement.

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