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DD to RTGs ( NEED PVT LTD COMPANY with Surplus fund ) (ADV - Financial)

by tirupati, Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 17:15 (518 days ago) @ bhartisaurabh416

U dint understand my primary concern. I have nothing against the DD procedure. Its perfectly valid.

However my concern is u r asking the DD to be made on day1 and the kyc on day 2. This is where i find a flaw. Why shud the client make DD or even do rtgs directly without verifying the credentials of the donor co ? Why will i make pmt without verifying whether donor co has the funds in his account and whether it reflects as surplus in his balance sheet. That takes time to verify since roc will take at least 4 hrs to send the data. The same exercise shud be repeated for the client as well.

After that a agreement wud be drawn signed by both the donor and client. Only after that fees will be paid directly to the donor co acct and the donor co will provide equivalent amt DD as security.

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